The Life Cycle of Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale Philippines

Haomei Concrete Pumps2021-06-16

The self loading transit mixer is a popular concrete production equipment, having self loading, weighing, mixing, transport and discharging in one. Its service life can be divided into five periods. Each period has different vehicle conditions and different handling methods for problems.

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The first 1-2 Years

The first two years of self loading concrete mixer for sale is its “peaking period”. During this period, the self loading concrete mixer is in excellent condition. As long as the regular maintenance is carried out, there will be basically no problems. However, some of the most wearable parts must be gradually replaced when it has been used over 2 years.

The 2rd-4th Year

During this period, the overall condition is still OK, but some parts need to be replaced frequently to ensure its normal operation. First, it needs replacing new brake pads. According to the using experience, brake pads will wear out in about two years. At this time, the fuel pump should almost be cleaned or replaced. If the running is not smooth, you should check the self loading mixer's shock absorber.

Sand and gravel are the main components of concrete. They cause serious abrasion of concrete storage tank and inlet and outlet during work. Under normal circumstances, the service life of concrete storage tanks made of low-alloy steel is 50,000 to 80,000 cubic meters. The life span of the spiral blades in the concrete storage tank is only 30,000 to 40,000 cubic meters.

When you buy a self loading mixer for sale, you should pay attention to the the raw material of concrete storage tank. The working life of different materials is very different.

The 4th - 6th Year

During this period, many parts of the self loading concrete mixer are beginning to age, and there are often minor faults such as oil and water leakage. The truck should be overhauled frequently, and special care should be taken in the inspection of daily maintenance.

The 6th -8th Year

During this period, the self loading concrete mixer owners must strengthen the maintenance of the self mixer and regularly replace the wearing parts. The owners need to frequently check the condition of the truck at the maintenance station or maintenance center. Routine inspections and maintenance work must be done before and after the use.

The 8th -10th Year

It is a “dangerous period" for the self loading transit mixer. The better choice is to reduce its working time as much as possible or scrap it for another one. It depends on the self loading concrete mixer quality and your daily maintenance. Welcome to leave message below to inquire its price.

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Tags: self loading mixer for sale

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